Grandma’s Unexpected Answer

My grandmother, Florence Francis Rogers
When I explained to my aged grandmother that I would soon graduate with a degree in Family History and Genealogy was to become a professional genealogist, her response was simply, “Genealogy is something we do for free.”
Do genealogy for free? I had almost finished learning the ins and outs of genealogical research, methodology, sources, and report-writing and was on a trajectory headed for a career in genealogy. Then Grandma informed me that my career didn’t exist! “Genealogy is something we do for free.”
After long years of pondering her words, I think I understand what Grandma meant. Genealogy is a spiritual matter. I know it was for Grandma. She believed in the power of family. And, after all these years, I know her words are true. Genealogy is something we do for free.
I cannot work for free and let my family starve! However, I can help as many people as possible to discover their family history and genealogy. If you want genealogy advice, I can offer that for free (this blog is one way I want to do just that). If you want me to spend a lot time doing your genealogy research for you, then you will need to pay. Genealogical advice is something I do for free.